Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Know when to speak #11

This month we’ll start taking a look at sharing what we have learned over the last year. The first point to keep in mind is; don’t try to shove the gospel down someone’s throat. You will start an argument and possibly lose a good friend. The gospel does everything we could possibly want and more. We just deliver the facts, logic and simplicity that many people seem to miss. To give you an example of the ‘miss’ part, all we need to do is ask a person if they are a Christian. If they answer yes, ask them to define the word Christian. Immediately it’s going to get a bit tough. Your response might be, “Can I help you to define the word?” Once they have agreed that they are indeed a ‘follower of Christ’, (definition of Christian), you can agree that the Bible is the word of God. You may want to keep the conversation light for a bit here. Ask them if they would like to hear how you came to know that you have eternal life, and how they may find out the same. Most of the time the person you are speaking with will say, ‘yes’. If they say no, discontinue the conversation until some other appropriate time.

We’ll assume the person said yes to your offer to share your experience. At this point you’ll ask them if it’s alright to ask them a couple more questions. Assume they say yes. The first question: ‘Have you come to a place in your spiritual life that if you died today, would you go to heaven?’ The answer here is not the absolute key. Your next comment would be that the Bible states that we can know that we have eternal life, and you might tell them a little about your own testimony. Following this you tell them you are asking the second question, which is; ‘Let’s just say you died and were standing before God, and He should ask you, ‘Why should I let you into my heaven?’ How do you think you would respond to this question? This is where the rubber meets the road. There is only one answer that will be acceptable to God……… If the person’s answer starts with the word ‘I’, there is a very good chance it will be wrong. Why is this the case? Most of the time when someone says ‘I’, it is going to refer to something they did. We all know that going to heaven is nothing we have done. This will not be the correct answer. Once they have answered, repeat their answer back to them. This will also serve to let them know you were listening and know exactly what they said. Next month we’ll take it from there.


2010 is an election year for 1/3 of the
senate and all of the house ofrepresentatives. It would be nice if Congress
got the message; the voting taxpayers are incharge now. LET US SHOW OUR LEADERS IN WASHINGTON "PEOPLE POWER" AND
SOCIAL SECURITY: (This is worth reading.. It is short and to the point.)
Perhaps we are asking the wrong questions during election years. Our Senators and Congresswomen do not pay into Social Security and, of course, they do not collect from it. You see, Social Security benefits were not suitable for persons of their rare elevation in society.. They felt they should have aspecial plan for themselves. So, manyyears ago they voted in their own benefitplan. In more recent years, no congress person has felt the need to change it. After all, it is
a great plan. For all practical purposes their plan works like this: When they retire, they continue to draw the same pay until they die. Except it may increase from time to time for cost of living adjustments. ...... For example, Senator Byrd and
Congressman White and their wives may expect to draw $7, 800,000.00 (that's Seven Million,Eight-Hundred Thousand Dollars), with their wives drawing $275, 000..00 during the last years of their lives. This is calculated on an average life span for each of those Dignitaries.Younger Dignitaries who retire at an early age, will receive much more during the rest of their lives. Their cost for this excellent plan to them is $0.00. .. NADA !!! ..ZILCH !!!.. This little perk they voted for themselves is free to them. You and I pick up the tab forthis plan. The funds for this fine retirement
plan come directly from the General Funds;

From our own Social Security Plan, which you and I pay (or have paid) into, every payday until we retire (which amount is matched by our employer), We can expect to get an average of:$1,000 per month after retirement. Or, in other words, we would have to collect our average of $1,000 monthly benefits for 68 years and one (1) month to equal Senator Bill Bradley's benefits !
Social Security could be very good if only one small change were made. That change would be to Jerk the Golden Fleece Retirement Plan from under the Senators and Congressmen. Put them into the Social Security plan with the rest of us. Then sit back..... And see how fast they would fix it ! If enough people receive this, maybe a seed of awareness will be planted and maybe good changes will evolve.

A Little Humor....

God was missing for six days. Eventually, Michael, the archangel, found him, resting on the seventh day. He inquired, "Where have you been?"

God smiled deeply and proudly pointed downwards through the clouds, "Look, Michael. Look what I've made."
Archangel Michael looked puzzled, and said. "What is it?" "It's a planet," replied God, "and I've put life on it. I'm going to call it Earth and it's going to be a place to test Balance." "Balance?" inquired Michael, "I'm still confused."God explained, pointing to different parts of earth. "For example, Northern Europe will be a place of greatopportunity and wealth, while Southern Europe is going to be poor. Over here I've placed a continent of white people, and over there is a continent of blackpeople. Balance in all things." God continued pointing to different countries. "This one will be extremely hot, while this one will be very cold and covered in ice."

The Archangel , impressed by God's work, then pointed to a land area and said, "What's that one?"
"That's Washington State , the most glorious place on earth. There are beautiful mountains, rivers and
streams, lakes, forests, hills, and plains. The people from Washington State are going to be handsome, modest, intelligent, and humorous, and they are going to travel the world. They will be extremely sociable, hardworking, high achieving, carriers of peace, and producers of software."Michael gasped in wonder and admiration, but then asked, "But what about balance, God? You said there would be balance." God smiled,
"There's another Washington . Wait till you see the idiots I put there."

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Know when to speak #10

It’s an exciting moment when someone has accepted Christ as their personal savior. When this happens with me, I have a mental spiritual score board. On the scoreboard it has two columns. One column says Jesus and the other says Satan. When someone accepts Jesus I erase one from Satan’s side and put it on the side of Jesus.

To back up a little. When someone says they want Jesus in their life we can easily tell them we can take this request to God …right now! This prayer doesn’t have to be a major production. God knows what happened. We can tell the person, who might be a bit shy at this point, that you will lead the prayer. All they have to do is repeat what you say. At the end you can close the prayer yourself. Here are some suggestions as to the content of the prayer. State: “Thank you for the gift of eternal life”, “I know that I am a sinner and can’t save myself”, “I know that Jesus went to the cross to pay for my sins”, “Please come into my heart”, “Thank you for saving me”. The idea is to go back over some of the points you have used in your presentation of the gospel, and keep in mind you have a ‘baby Christian’ in front of you.

What happens next? Now the real work gets started. Are you planning to leave your new Christian hanging out there? Of course not…. Do we just plug them into a home bible study group? …not yet… Many home bible study groups are involved in particular studies. These are way beyond our new Christian. This new believer needs personal attention, discipleship, is what I believe it’s called. Did you notice the word personal?

Classroom study is not the way to go with a new Christian. Keep in mind, this person may be a bit nervous at first, and won’t ask questions in a classroom setting. However, they will be more open in a one on one setting. They will have the opportunity to learn, build a strong foundation and be able to tell others of their experience. What a concept!!

In a personal discipleship the new Christian will learn about baptism….be baptized, learn about the church, and have the gospel planted firmly in their heart and mind. This usually takes about 6-8 weeks to complete. After this it will be time to introduce them to a home bible study group.

During the next couple months we’ll look at a few examples of approaching people with whom we may share the good news.

A Little Humor.....

IF MY BODY WERE A CAR... My headlights are out of focus, and it's especially hard to see things up close.My traction is not as graceful as it once was. I slip and slide and skid and bump into things even in the best of weather.
My whitewalls are stained with varicose veins...But here's the worst of it -- Almost every time I sneeze, cough or laugh, either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires.
CASH FOR CLUNKERS..........I QUALIFYHow about You?


Here we go again….Another end of the world. This time it’s the Mayan Indian calendar and Nostradamus telling us the end will come in 20-12. The last time we packed our bags and toothbrush was at the turn of the millennium. Our computers were supposed to go haywire, our clocks were probably going to start running backwards, cash register were going to lock up…Hmmmm, we’re still here, and I lost my toothbrush.

If we take stock in these notions, then we are not accepting what Jesus has to say in the Bible, which states: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. Take heed, keep on the alert; for you do not know when the appointed time is.” Mark 13:31-33.

A Sign of the Times.....

If that’s not enough to be concerned about, we have to deal with the word ‘God” being omitted from our school children’s studies. Below is a new prayer written by a 15 year old student from Ohio.

Written by a 15 yr. old School Kid in Ohio : Since the Pledge of Allegiance & The Lords Prayer are not allowed in Schools anymore because the word 'God' is mentioned... A Kid in Ohio wrote the attached... NEW School prayer : Now I sit me down in school where praying is against the rule for this great nation under God finds mention of Him very odd. If Scripture now the class recites, it violates the Bill of Rights. And anytime my head I bow
becomes a Federal matter now. Our hair can be purple, orange or green, That's no offense; it's a freedom thing.. The law is specific, the law is precise.. Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice. For praying in a public hall Might offend
someone with no faith at all. In silence alone we must meditate, God's
name is prohibited by the state. We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks, and pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.... We can carry smut, but not the Bible. To quote the Good Book makes me liable. We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen, and the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King. It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong. We're taught that such 'judgments' do notbelong. We can get our condoms and birth controls, study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles. but the Ten Commandments are not allowed.
No word of God must reach this crowd. It's scary here I must confess, when chaos reigns, the school's a mess. So, Lord, this silent plea I make: Should I be shot; My soul please take! Amen